How To Integrate With Your System

System Requirements


Metreeca/Self is a client-side web application: to run it you need the latest version of an evergreen web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge); unsupported browsers may work as well, but they are not tested and your mileage may vary…

SPARQL Endpoint

Metreeca/Self requires the SPARQL endpoint to fully support CORS requests.

In order to support access to HTTP authenticated endpoints, it also requires the CORS implementation to reply with an origin specific Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, that is:


rather than:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

If these these requirements are not met, consider routing SPARQL requests from Metreeca/Self through a compliant CORS-enabled proxy.


Metreeca/Self may be integrated with your system either as a Maven WAR overlay or as a standalone static web app. In both cases, you may want to provide a self-configuring launch link including a predefined SPARQL endpoint or other content configuration options as:


The target endpoint must be either CORS-enabled, as discussed above, or managed by the same deployment server.

As a Maven WAR Overlay

Add the following to the pom.xml of your project; the application will be available at http(s)://{host}/{app}/{static}/self/.






      <plugin> <!-- -->
                  <targetPath>/{static}/</targetPath> <!-- static file deployment area -->


As a Standalone Static Web App

First, clone and compile the master branch of the GitHub repository:

git clone
cd self
mvn clean install

Then, deploy to a local server copying static assets under main/target/metreeca-self-{{ page.version }}/self to a static asset folder; the application will be available at http(s)://{host}/{static}/{name}/

cp -R target/metreeca-self-{{ page.version }}/self/ {static}/{name}/