How To Embed Into a HTML Page

Metreeca/Self may be embedded within host HTML pages to provide faceted search, linked data navigation and data-driven infographics for third-party sites.

To get started with embedded Metreeca/Self:

  1. include the driver.min.js script from your Metreeca/Self installation ( e.g. anywhere in your page;
  2. embed one or more Metreeca/Self instances using iframe elements annotated with data-* attributes defining content and layout.

<script type="application/javascript"

<iframe [name="<instance name>" ]
<content option>="
 [data-<layout option>="<value>"]*

Basic, cut-and-paste ready samples are available at

Embedding Options

Content Options

Content options control what an embedded Metreeca/Self instance presents to the user.

document = <Document URL>

Presents a complex pre-configured report available as an exported document at the given URL (see Exporting Reports). Make sure the hosting page is able to retrieve the document, as the same-origin policy applies.

endpoint = <SPARQL Endpoint URL>

Connects to the SPARQL endpoint at the given URL and presents the available key collections (see Identify Key Collections), unless either the collection or the resource option is also specified.

collection = <RDF Type IRI>

Presents a list of resources with the given RDF type extracted from the endpoint specified by the endpoint option.

resource = <RDF Resource IRI>

Presents linked data information about the given RDF resource extracted from the endpoint specified by the endpoint option.

label = <RDF Resource IRI>

Provides a human-readable label for the field holding the presented information, to be used in the fields area of the user interface and in browser history entries.

Layout Options

Layout options control how the content is visually presented to the user.

Unless otherwise specified, layout options default to the first listed value.

mode = catalog | navigator | visualizer

Controls the overall layout of the interface and selectively enables required control widgets. Available modes are optimized respectively for faceted catalog search, linked data navigation and infographics visualization.

toolbar = bottom | none

Controls the positioning of the main toolbar. ​ Defaults to none, if mode is set to visualizer.

fields = top | none

Controls the positioning of the fields area. ​ Defaults to none, if mode is set either to navigator or visualizer.

facets = right | left | none

Controls the positioning of the facets area. ​ Defaults to none, if mode is set either to navigator or visualizer.

Host Page Integration

Markup Integration

The host page may enable the user to change the content of an embedded Metreeca/Self instance by including anchor elements annotated with data-* attributes defining the required content.

<a target="<instance name>"
 [data-<content option="<value>"]*

If the data-default attribute is set to true, the content options for the anchor define also the initial content of the target Metreeca/Self instance.

Javascript Integration

The host page may programmatically change the content of an embedded Metreeca/Self instance by invoking the metreeca JavaScript driver function, passing the name of the target instance and either the URL of a complex pre-configured report or a JavaScript object defining the required content using the same content options previously introduced in relation to data-* attributes.

metreeca("<instance name>",
 <document URL> | { [‹content option›: "<value>"]* });